Sports hallsincluding many in big cities like Paris . One of the advantages of going to a gymis the fact of being able to maintain one's health while building the body one wants to have. Having well-defined buttocks is the dream of many of us. Also, it would be interesting to know the activities that allow it and how to choose them.
Among the exercises to do at home, you can count the donkey kick . It is one of the simplest and easiest practices to do. You will hardly need any accessories to do it. You just need a yoga mat and your good will. The concept is simple, you have to work your gluteal musclesand at the same time your abdomens. Yourbuttocks will be well rounded and well defined .
The exercise is performed on all fours. Make yourself comfortable so that your stomach is parallel to the ground. Throughout the exercise, you should keep your abdominal muscles contracted . Once ready, raise your thigh so that it is parallel to the ground. Your leg should be positioned orthogonally to your thigh. This means that the angle between your thigh and your leg will be approximately 90 °. Put your leg back down once the movement is complete and repeat.
After trying the donkey kick, I also discovered a little trick for those of us who want to progress in the abdominal area. Have you ever thought about using an abdominal belt??
It can be perfect to use in your routine and the results are quite impressive. It can really complement your exercises and give that little extra to your efforts.
Do squatsis known for its great virtues in sculpting firm and round buttocks.It is practiced simply and quietly at home. In addition, it allows you to work several parts of your body at the same time . If the bulk of the work focuses on the gluteal muscles, you can work your abdomen and arms at the same time. If you want to increase its effectiveness, you can equip yourself with some weights, but no more than 2 kg.
Contrary to popular belief, the exercise follows fairly strict rules for it to be effective. Start by spreading your legs. Standing, you must contract your stomach. Now, you will slowly descend while trying to keep your back fairly straight . Once your knee makes a 90 ° angle, hold this position for a few seconds. Slowly go back up while contracting your buttocks. Once the initial position is returned, repeat the same movement.
Practice cyclingis a sport that allows you to get a rounded butt . You can opt for an indoor bike if you are short on time. The slight drawback is that you need to have enough space to set it up. However, the advantages are numerous. You can work on your endurance at the same time as you exercise the muscles of your entire lower body.Both your cardia and butt will be rounded.
Outdoor cycling is just as good as indoor cycling. You can both:
Work your glutes,
Enjoy the clean air,
Enjoy the environment,
If you don't have time, you can use it as a means of transportation. In this case, you will be both environmentally friendly and healthy. It's a good way to combine business with pleasure.
Walking can help you work your glutes.In practice, you will have a lot of choices as to the type of walking you want to do. A simple hike can be enough if you have the right conditions. If you practice mountain hiking , you can be sure that your butt will be rounded. The trick is to practice as much as possible. Plus, by doing this, you will increase your endurance.
Nordic walkingis also effective for working your glutes. It involves walking at a steady pace while using ski poles. It is advisable to take long strides to really work the targeted muscles . Place your heel firmly on the ground before lifting your leg. It should also be noted that nothing prevents you from combining walking with the other exercises mentioned above.