Pregnancy sheath: Beware!

January 20, 2025 4 min read

Gaine grossesse : Méfiez-vous !

Many women want to keep a perfect figure when they are pregnant. This fashion effect was born in 2011 following the appearance of pregnancy girdle . However, it is not without danger and you must absolutely be aware of it.

Indeed, according to some doctors, wearing a pregnancy girdle can be bad for the arrival of your child, and for yourself. But what is the truth? Is it really dangerous to wear a girdle before the arrival of your little one? Let's take a closer look at a controversial topic!

As slimming sheath experts, we will explain everything to you in great detail.

Wearing a girdle during pregnancy can be harmful to your baby's health. In fact, the compression prevents the free circulation of your blood flow, which could deprive your baby of the oxygen necessary for its proper development.

After reading this important article, here is what you will learn:

  • Why pregnancy girdle is dangerous
  • How to stay in shape when you're pregnant
  • Should you wear a girdle after pregnancy?

Ready to learn all about a raging debate? Let's go!

Putting on a pregnant sheath: Be careful!

Yes, the girdle smooths your curves, it slims your belly and even gives you a wasp waist. However, during pregnancy your body changes , this is inevitable since it is necessary for the proper development of your child. You certainly know this better than anyone as a future mother ...

pregnant woman big belly

So, first of all, ask yourself this question: Does this change necessarily have to be negative? Or is it part of the natural things in life that must be accepted...

Unfortunately in the times we live in, society would have us believe that we must be perfect in all circumstances. This is false. Depending on your basic body shape , you will gain more or less weight during your pregnancy and this is normal. You can limit it using natural tips, but in no case by wearing a pregnancy girdle.

The slimming sheath is useful for regaining self-confidence and losing weight quickly, but it is not suitable for pregnant women. It should be used when excess weight is due to poor diet, for example, and you cannot regain your pretty curves.

Now, let's get to the heart of the matter. Why can wearing a girdle while pregnant be dangerous for your baby's health and for you?

According to Dr. Elisabeth Duff, you should never restrict blood flow when you are pregnant. No matter what part of your body is affected, your blood should flow freely because your baby needs oxygen. Oxygen is provided by the natural increase in blood volume when you are pregnant.

So, putting pressure on your belly during pregnancy could restrict blood circulation and deprive your baby of much-needed oxygen.

child blood circulation

For you, know that wearing a girdle during your pregnancy could do the work of carrying instead of your abdominal muscles. The problem then arises when you remove it. Your muscles will not be strong enough, because they will not have been "prepared" and you risk an injury .

It is very important to take all these elements into consideration, it is a question of health. Especially since it is quite possible to lose weight quickly after giving birth .

Post pregnancy girdle, is it a good idea?

What about wearing a girdle after giving birth ? This is an idea that makes perfect sense! There is no risk of harming yourself or your baby's health. However, you should wait 3 to 6 months before wearing your post-pregnancy girdle . The time needed for your body to naturally recover from the trauma it suffered during childbirth.

pregnant woman round belly

In what situation can the post-pregnancy girdle prove to be useful after pregnancy? It will be interesting and effective if you have kept fat mass at the level of the abdominal strap. Firstly, the slimming girdle will allow you to camouflage the bulges that have accumulated. Secondly, wearing it regularly will allow you to burn excess fat .

For even more effectiveness, a balanced diet and some post-pregnancy exercises would be a real bonus to get a flat stomach . It is quite possible to refine your figure in just a few weeks provided you are persistent.

Stay in shape during your pregnancy!

Here are some natural tips to maintain beautiful curves during your pregnancy.

First of all, eat healthily, for your figure and especially so that your baby is in excellent health on the day of birth. To do this, you can eat a little bit of everything, while avoiding prepared meals. Favor fruits and vegetables, and slimming recipes specially designed for pregnant women .

Also avoid drinks of all kinds, most of them are full of sugars. The best drink? Water! And that's a good thing, because a pregnant woman needs to drink a lot of it. Indeed, water needs increase considerably during pregnancy.

Don't forget to put on some anti-stretch mark cream. If you apply it regularly, you shouldn't have any marks on your pretty belly.

Finally, the entire Miss Minceur team wishes you to fully enjoy the most beautiful day of your life, and your newborn who should arrive soon!

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