How to wear a slimming corset?

January 20, 2025 4 min read

Comment porter un corset minceur ?

It's been a while since you bought a slimming corset, but you're hesitant to wear it? Do you want to know how to put on a corset to get a flat stomach ? You're on the right page!

Getting a wasp waist is every woman's dream, especially those with unassumed curves. It's not a bad idea. On the contrary, your body belongs to you and you deserve to feel better in it at any time. Apart from fitness sports to lose weight , you can also rely on a slimming corset to refine your figure. To do this, simply wear the accessory well and wait for the first results.

However, wearing a slimming corset is not always easy, because it is a specific garment . Throughout this guide, you will discover the different steps to successfully wear a slimming corset as well as tips to get used to it.

You can also read our article on the before and after effects of the slimming corset .

First, what is a slimming corset?

Traditionally, a corset is an undergarment worn over the torso that shapes the body into an hourglass figure. Classically, it consists of two panels of fabric that fasten in the front and fasten in the back. This allows the wearer to tie it as tightly as desired to cinch in the waist.


If the first appearances of the corset date back to the 16th century, it must be recognized that this slimming sheath has undergone enormous evolutions today. The first corsets were made of steel while modern corsets use latex or nylon to better adapt to the silhouette of the body. Gradually, wearing corsets as a piece of lingerie or a bodysuit has become a practical and effective solution to lose belly fat .

Slimming corset: how to wear it?


Wearing a slimming corset is not an impossible task if you follow the fitting process to the letter. To this end, it is divided into three stages.

Step 1: Positioning

Standing, face a large mirror to have an overall view of the front of your body. This positioning will also allow you to be sure of all your manipulations. Next, take the slimming corset and wrap it around your waist like a belt. At this stage, it is important that the closure of the sheath is placed in front of you.

Step 2: the corset fence

Start to gradually close your slimming sheath . To do this, simply consolidate the fasteners of the closure one after the other, starting from the bottom to the top.

Step 3: The adjustment

Naturally adjust your posture as you close the corset. The goal here is to feel as comfortable as possible. You can even pull the corset or better center it on your stomach.

Tips for wearing a slimming corset

The key to wearing a corset is to first choose the right fit. Then, you will need to gradually tighten it over time to promote comfort and prevent injuries. Follow these tips if you want to put on a corset for a beneficial feedback.

Select the correct size

Generally speaking, corset sizes are classified by hip circumference. You will therefore need to measure yours in order to successfully select the right one. To do this, wrap a tape measure around the natural curve of your waist, guiding the tape over your navel. And if you have any doubts, you can find an example of a size guide at Miss Minceur.

Tighten conscientiously

If your corset hurts your waist or makes it difficult to breathe , it is too tight. While corsets naturally cinch the waist, they should not be painful to wear. Wearing a corset that is too small or too tight can damage your bust. When tightening and lacing your corset, always start by loosening and tightening gradually over time.

How to get used to wearing a corset?

slimming corset

If you are still a beginner with the slimming corset , there are ways to wear them daily. This will allow your body to get used to it. To help you succeed in this challenge, this section presents a program to wear your corset for 7 days.

NB: Make sure to take a selfie and record your waist measurements before you begin so you can track your progress.

Day 1: Put on your slimming corset for 2 hours to start.

Day 2: Wear the slimming corset for 2 to 3 hours. Admittedly, you will start to feel the effect of the accessory. To avoid monotony, try to incorporate cardio into this second day.

Day 3: Aim for 3-4 hours today. If necessary, you can split it into two shorter sessions. Remember to drink at least 8 glasses of water per day and eat nutritious foods in small portions throughout the day. This is one way to avoid having a bulging belly with the corset.

Day 4: Today you should wear your corset for 4-5 hours. If you haven't already, try to do some workouts that focus on your core.

Day 5: You guessed it: wearing the slimming girdle will increase to about 6 hours now. Remember to tighten it slightly if it slips.

Day 6: You're almost there! Aim for 6-7 hours on this day.

Day 7: By the end of the week, you should be wearing your corset for about 8 hours, or a full workday. This is the minimum recommended for an ongoing waist training program. As you get used to how it feels, you can wear the corset for 8 to 12 hours, most days.

Finally, remember to listen to your body and adjust if necessary. Every woman's body is different when it comes to lifestyle changes. Therefore, be patient and take care of yourself.

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