How to get a round butt in 1 week?

January 20, 2025 4 min read

Comment avoir des fessiers bombés en 1 semaine ? 

It is necessary to understand the anatomy of the glutes if we want to take better care of them. Let's say right away that the buttocks are made up of muscles. The gluteal muscles are attached to the leg. There are 3 types: gluteus minimus, gluteus medius and gluteus maximus . It is possible to work each muscle with exercises such as: squats, donkey kicks, lunges, walking, etc.

Not forgetting that you must combine a healthy diet with a good lifestyle . Lean meats and vegetables should be your best allies.

4 exercises for a rounded butt

The right exercises can help you get a bigger butt. Here are some exercises to do regularly to get a bigger butt in a week. (Or click here for more exercises to slim your waistline )

rounded buttocks

1. Do squats

For this first movement, you stand with your legs apart. Keep the same distance as the length of your shoulders. Join your palms and elbows well apart. The exercise consists of gently lowering yourself so that your thighs are parallel to the ground . Inhale as you lower yourself. Exhale as you raise yourself up.

The second exercise is the Bulgarian squat . Place your left foot on a chair placed at the back. Keep your spine straight and aligned with your head. Weight now on your right leg. Concentrate on your abs during the descent. A variation of this exercise is to wear a backpack. You can put books in it for example.

2. Do the donkey kick

This movement is performed with the intention of working the gluteus maximus . Get on all fours with your feet flat on the floor. Raise your left leg as high as possible. The knee should be bent. Switch to the left leg after a few movements. You can repeat this 15 to 20 times per leg to start. You can also do this exercise with your elbows on the floor, forearms and hands outstretched. Preferably, perform the donkey kick on a floor mat to ensure the integrity of your knees.

3. Standing or lying down

This first exercise, designed to pump up your buttocks, will be done standing up with your back straight. Grab your buttocks , then contract and relax your buttocks. Do this strongly several times in order to achieve the desired result. Don't forget to hold the contraction for a moment before releasing.

The second exercise will be performed while lying on your side. Lean on your forearm. Raise your leg vertically before bringing it back, without touching the other leg stuck to the ground. Then, raise it again. You can use an elastic band for an optimal effect.

4. Go for a walk

Walking is good for the glutes . But you should walk in the right way to achieve the desired result. In addition, walking is a sport that allows you to maintain the whole body. Walk so that you push on your heels. You can work your glutes by going up or down stairs. Be careful not to twist your heel.

to walk

What diet to have rounded buttocks?

Your goal is to have a rounded butt in 1 week? Then, don't let just anything enter your mouth, it also works to lose weight in the thighs . Discover the foods to favor.

1. Protein to strengthen the glutes

In this case, you will have to rely on lean meats. There are two reasons why food specialists recommend lean meats. First, they are essential nutrients that occupy a place in any weight-loss diet. The other reason is that these meats are fat-free. They strengthen muscles and do not promote fat accumulation. Choose your lean meats wisely. For example, a digestible and very lean chicken breast. Preferably, bet on meat with less than 3% fat. Such meat provides as much protein as butcher's meat. It also provides iron and vitamin B. Prepare a protein dish every day with meat or fish .

You should also avoid saturated fats. They have a reputation for making your buttocks flabby. Limit your consumption of lipids. Choose vegetable oils instead.

2. Vegetables at will

Putting all the chances on your side to obtain rounded buttocks also means surrounding yourself with vegetables . They maintain the body by providing all the essential minerals that muscles and cells need . Vegetables fit easily into a slimming diet. They should be included in each of your meals. We will opt for the best cooking methods. Steaming or cooking in foil allows good preservation of minerals and vitamins . Adopt this dietetic cooking method. Vary foods according to your daily needs.


Accessories for a rounded butt

A variety of accessories are available in the market at attractive prices. We offer you 2 accessories.

1. Use rubber bands

You can buy a custom-made elastic band in a sports store. You will use it to have rounded buttocks. The elastic band can be used in various ways. Everyone should choose the activity that suits their situation. Standing, lying down, sitting... There are a variety of exercises to do with an elastic band. You can also participate in a complete 3D program using an elastic band. Such a bodybuilding program allows you to build muscle in the glutes. These exercises can be performed at home, even when you are a beginner in this area. The elastic band reduces the risk of injury. However, you must act gently with caution.

2. Control panties

Today, the new beautifying lingerie is the shaping panty . They make the buttocks firm and rounded. Others allow well-defined hips. Their secret: the presence of a reinforced elastic in the right place . The buttocks are thus subjected to more or less strong compression depending on the expected result. Make your choice according to the size and tone. Of course, these panties do not have the power to make you lose weight.

shaping panties

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